The Potential Risks of Vitamin D Deficiency
The Potential Risks of Vitamin D Deficiency

The Potential Risks of Vitamin D Deficiency

By Roome Hameed

Expert on Natural Health and Philanthropist

Bring sunshine to your life! UCanBeHealthier® is here to help you get the Vitamin D you need for a healthy and balanced lifestyle. So, it would be best if you learned this because most of us are deficient in this supplement, which is MANDATORY after 50 years old.

Many scientists consider Vitamin D to be a LIFE-SAVING that provides the IMMUNITY and daily ENERGY of the "20-year-old" you because Vitamin D allows you to feel years younger.

Did you know during the recent COVID-19 pandemic, Vitamin D3 was proven to be an immunity-boosting superstar? If a supplement could get 15 minutes of fame, this was it for Vitamin D. It turned from a "boring store supplement" to something with almost superhuman powers because scientists discovered Vitamin D levels could be the difference between life and death regarding a respiratory infection like COVID-19. The value of these benefits grows if you are over 50 years old, when the flu and other respiratory diseases may become deadly.

Then, if Vitamin D protects you against COVID-19, it does the same against Colds And Flu.

Some studies found that daily or weekly supplementation had the greatest benefit for individuals with the most significant vitamin D deficiency — cutting their risk of respiratory infection in half. All participants experienced some beneficial effects from regular vitamin D supplementation. This extreme benefit of Vitamin D flew under the radar after COVID-19 changed our lives.

Later, some studies published in News Medical Life Sciences and the Chicago Medicine Magazine showed Vitamin D could reduce the severity and spread of COVID-19. In 2021 top US researchers performed a large-scale investigation to determine the relationship between vitamin D3 supplementation and the risk of COVID-19 infection-related mortality within 30 days. Overall, the study findings showed that vitamin D3 supplementation significantly reduced the risk of COVID-19 infection and death within 30 days.

That study suggests high Vitamin D levels protect against COVID-19, especially for the elderly.

How Vitamin D Regulates Immunity?

A research from the University of Chicago found that when it comes to COVID-19, having vitamin D levels above those traditionally considered sufficient may lower the risk of infection, especially for the elderly. Vitamin D supercharges immunity "virus killing" cells by stimulating these cells to produce peptides with antiviral properties that defend the body against foreign pathogens such as colds, flu, and coronaviruses.

Vitamin D also plays a role in both the activation of these cells and the suppression of immune response in cases of over-inflammation, associated with the natural immune response to becoming sick, releasing small proteins called cytokines, which trigger natural defenses, but can threat life if they are released at excessive amounts.

As individuals age, they become more susceptible to a deadly cytokine storm in a weakened state. This condition can damage organs throughout the body leading to heart failure, lung injury, respiratory distress syndrome, and death. But Vitamin D reduces these risks.

For decades we have known that Vitamin D is imperative for bone health as it allows your body to absorb calcium, fortifying your bones. However, as each day passes, Vitamin D is linked to more benefits that may control  how you will look and feel for the rest of your life.

According to Healthline, a highly trusted source on health information,  a 2018 study found that low levels of vitamin D are linked with an increased risk of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), as well as to heart diseases such as hypertension, heart failure, and stroke.

That research found in the same way that people experiencing negative emotions who received Vitamin D supplements noticed an improvement in depression symptoms. Additionally, patients with obesity lost more weight and fat mass after receiving Vitamin D supplements than those who only followed a diet plan.

Vitamin D is vital for making our muscles work efficiently and boosting energy levels, a research from the Newcastle University has shown.

Low Vitamin D Levels Make You Feel Older Than Your Age.

Let's face it when you wake up tired every day and you are no longer active. As you start feeling more and more down, you are less active.

What if your body is not Getting OLDER, it is simply CRAVING something you need to make you feel great and young every day?

Vitamin D deficiency is a global public health issue affecting nearly 1 billion people and it drastically increases with age for three basic reasons:

1. As we age, the body loses some ability to synthesize Vitamin D from sunlight.

2. Vitamin D needs to be activated in the kidney before the body can use it, and the kidney function also decreases with age.

3. Finally, as we age, the more likely we are to be homebound and less likely to get sun light from outdoors exercise and activity; or some people may be restricted from sunlight due to skin cancer risk.

How Can I find Out if I Am Deficient in Vitamin D?

Vitamin D plays a critical role in maintaining bone health, preventing certain diseases, and regulating your body's immune system. Unfortunately, many people lack or are deficient in Vitamin D and don't even know it. Knowing if you need more Vitamin D can be challenging, but there are ways to determine if you are deficient in Vitamin D. You can do a simple blood lab test to measure the amount of Vitamin D in your body. This test can help determine if you need to take supplements or make dietary changes to increase your Vitamin D levels. Additionally, you can look for signs and symptoms of deficiency, such as fatigue, muscle aches and pains, and weakened bones as well as swollen and tender glands. In addition, you can ensure that you stay healthy and strong with the correct information about your Vitamin D levels.

What is the recommended daily intake of Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a critical nutrient for our health and well-being. The recommended daily intake of Vitamin D varies depending on age, lifestyle, and other factors. Generally speaking, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends that adults aged 19-70 years old should consume 600 IU (15 mcg) of Vitamin D per day, and adults over 70 should consume 800 IU (20 mcg) per day. Additionally, pregnant and lactating women should increase their intake to 600 IU (15 mcg). It is important to note that these are only general guidelines, and individuals should consult their healthcare provider to determine their specific needs.

Are There Any Risks Associated With Taking a Vitamin D Supplement?

Vitamin D is essential for many bodily processes, but taking a supplement can come with certain risks. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the potential side effects of taking a Vitamin D supplement to make an informed decision about whether or not it is right for you. Some potential risks associated with taking a Vitamin D supplement include increased risk of kidney stones, cardiovascular disease, and increased calcium build-up in the arteries. It is also important to note that excessive Vitamin D intake can lead to toxicity levels in the body. Therefore, talking to your doctor before beginning any new vitamin regimen is essential.

What Are the Best Sources of Vitamin D?

Vitamin D can be found in various sources. It helps regulate calcium and phosphorus levels and supports immune system health. The best sources of Vitamin D provide the body with natural sunlight, certain foods, and dietary supplements. Natural sunlight is one of the best ways to get your daily dose of Vitamin D, but it can be challenging to get enough sun exposure if you live in a cloudy or cold climate. In addition, certain foods such as fatty fish, egg yolks, mushrooms, and fortified dairy products can provide an alternate source of Vitamin D.

Additionally, dietary supplements such as cod liver oil and multivitamins may help meet your vital needs for this essential vitamin.

Is There a Difference Between Natural and Synthetic Forms of Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that plays a vital role in the body's overall health and well-being. It is available in two forms: natural and synthetic. Natural Vitamin D naturally occurs in food sources such as fish, eggs, and fortified milk. At the same time, synthetic Vitamin D is made synthetically by adding an extra molecule to the natural form. While both forms provide the same benefits, some critical differences between them should be considered when making dietary choices. Finally, this article will explore these differences and discuss the potential health implications.

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